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In 1966, a small group of dedicated volunteers created an organization to provide a unified voice for amateur sport in British Columbia. While much has changed over the years, our core purpose remains the same.

Who we are:

Sport BC is the non-profit sport federation, representing over 70 Provincial, Disability, and Multi-Sport Organizations (PSOs, DSOs, MSOs) in British Columbia. As a member-based organization, Sport BC offers services and programs to build the capacity of our members and advocate on their behalf to improve the landscape for organized sport in BC.

Sport BC, as a member-based organization, supports the growth of amateur sport in BC and provides leadership through delivery of its programs and services for members.

Sport in British Columbia is thriving through the leadership of Sport BC and our members.

Integrity, Transparency, Collaboration, Creativity and Innovation

What we work to achieve:

  • Partnership: To increase the level of members’ and partners’ cooperation, contribution and confidence in Sport BC
  • Promotion: To promote and reflect the values of sport and the role of the PSOs in the delivery  of a successful sport system in British Columbia
  • Stability: To strengthen the PSO sport system in BC
  • Organizational Responsibility: To ensure Sport BC is managed in a professional and fiscally responsible manner
  • Advocacy: To provide a voice for all sport organizations in British Columbia

About Sport BC

Sport BC believes in the power of sport and is committed to building stronger communities through positive sport experiences. Our goal is to enhance and support sport participation in British Columbia ensuring everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Through our KidSport BC, BC Amateur Sport Fund, and ProMOTION Plus along with our services Sport BC Insurance, and Payroll and Group Benefits; Sport BC supports our sixty plus member organizations. Keep up to date @SportBC

Learn more about Sport BC Activities review our recent Annual Reports and Strategic Plan:

Sport BC Annual Report 2023-2024

Sport BC 2022-2026 Strategic Plan

Sport BC Annual Report 2022-2023

Sport BC Annual Report 2021-2022

Sport BC Annual Report 2020-2021

Sport BC Annual Report 2019-2020





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    Sport BC is the only not-for-profit corporation that owns a retail insurance brokerage in Canada. Click here to information on the products and services that SBC Insurance provides

    Visit SBC Insurance


    The payroll services are available to all non-profit sport and recreational associations semi-monthly and can be specially tailored to suit the specific needs of your organization.

    Learn more


    The comprehensive group benefits plan is eligible to all registered full-time employees working 30 hours or more per week.

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    KidSport BC

    Our mission: to remove the financial barriers that prevent some children from playing organized sport. Our vision: #SoALLKidsCanPlay!

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    The BC AMATEUR SPORT FUND (BCASF) is a philanthropic gift-giving program, previously known as the National Sport Trust Fund, was established through the Canadian Council of Provincial and Territorial Sport Federations (CCPTSF) for the development of amateur sport on a national level.

    Learn more